Client Selections and Online Proofing

Easily manage your client's selections with Private Client Galleries.
Client selecting is fully functional on desktop and mobile.

Client Selections and Online Proofing
Client Galleries

Client Galleries

Your clients can securely select their favorites photos on desktop and mobile, making proofing flexible and collaborative.

Private Stock Galleries

Set up your stock photos in Private Client Galleries to easily share with buyers and clients.

Client Proofing, done right, easy and intuitive
Client gallery for a wedding event

Cool Gallery Layouts

Choose from several gallery layouts (grid, columns, rows, review), apply any layout to any gallery.

Organize photos in Sets

Create multiple Sets to organize your photos. Make it easy for your clients to explore.

Personalized Galleries

Customize gallery cover photo and colors to better personalize it appearance.

Clients Selections Management

Managing multiple client selections for each gallery. Easily export filenames and download client favorites to speed-up your workflow.

Selection Caps

You can limit the number of photos that a client can select.

Galleries Access Control

Viewing your client galleries is only possible with a secure access link. You can also lock a gallery with a password to control public access.

Client selection on the go, using a mobile