« Bablog

September - October 2021 Change Log

Client Galleries:

  • Fixed a bug in deleting sets
  • Added Order to client galleries list - you can now have newest gallery on top

Website Admin: 

Blocks background color - you can now change a block background to stand out of page background.

New Block:

Vids Theater - showing several videos in a single “stage”, with a full-screen experience.


Added more control over “floating “ menu - you can now control the start position and scrolled position of the logo, background and menu. Also, the width control now allows full width of background while constraining the logo and menu to page width.

Page Settings:

The page keywords pane is now integrated with the Page Settings.


Added control over the footer’s width to match header. 

Also allows setting a background color to the footer and footer text color.


Improved photos aspect-ratio implementation using modern CSS.