« Bablog

January - April 2021 Change log

The past few months were crazy here as everywhere else I guess.. We focused on our public website content and experience. Added more pages and fixed a few issues that made it a “little” hard to join Bablab. We implemented a new, hidden captcha to protect us from bots.


  • Drag pages from ‘Navigation’ to ‘Other’ to remove them from the website navigation and vice-versa.
  • Added ‘Preview’ under Page-Settings to allow previewing a draft page before publishing.

Client Galleries: 

  • Zoom client selections and likes - in case you want to inspect selected photos.


  • Added Plausible Analytics integration, to have a more detailed view of your traffic while respecting your visitors privacy
  • Performance improvements


  • Schema tags syntax improvements
  • Performance improvements - websites are being served faster by optimizing the server caching system.